Wednesday, 24 April 2013 in , , ,

Wednesday's Comics: 17th April 2013

AGE OF ULTRON #6 = ★★★★✩

I have mixed feelings about AU. It's has the possibility of an epic story: the world assimilated by Ultron, all the heroes struggling to survive and their eventual demise, one by one. It's been referred to for enough years that you wouldn't have been foolish to think it would have been a huge crossover event involving all books. The possibility of a reboot. Instead, there's a mini-series where the pacing seems to be a little off. In issue 6 more happens and there's certainly a stunning scene between Hank Pym and Wolverine. Unfortunately, it's all turning into a time travel adventure and - when that's involved - it just means multiple timelines and everything being reset and repaired (although Flashpoint did quite the reverse).

BATWOMAN #19 = ★★✩✩✩

I'm finding it incredibly difficult to enjoy Batwoman these days without J H Williams' artwork (or, at the very least, layouts). Very little seems to happen. It all seems to be about the DEO, the state organisation that Kate Kane works for, wanting to discover the identity of Batman so they can take him down. It looks increasingly like I'm going to drop this title before too long.


This is simply crazy-man, Remender weirdness - and I love it. Cap fights for his adopted son, Ian, by launching a one-man attack on Zola's base in Dimension Z (or wherever this is). Romita does a great job - especially when Cap kills Zola's daughter (he's beyond losing his mind and has a version of Zola's head growing in his chest - or did before he ripped it out last issue). Who knows how this will all join up with the regular Marvel continuity.
DAREDEVIL #25 = ★★★★★

Stunning. Awesome. If you're not reading this comic - you should be. Daredevil goes up against an adversary that seems to have similar powers to himself. Just read it!
JUSTICE LEAGUE #19 = ★★★✩✩

Uh? Surely I've read this before? In fact, I swear I watched an animated movie version of this plot-line. The Bat Cave gets broken into and someone steals something that Batman has kept hidden in case members of the Justice League went rogue. The villain reveal at the end seems hyperbole. The back-up Shazam story by Johns and Frank is the real gem. It deserves its own title.


Bit of a crisis for the Legion. Mon-El gets beaten up by a weird green lantern-type villain with a giant floating eye.

NOVA #3 = ★★★✩✩

My teenage son liked this a lot and thought that it was a good replacement for the cancelled Blue Beetle he was reading. Aside from Ed McGuinness' art - which I think suits this child-centred narrative - this is a pedestrian story. There's nothing awful about the title, just nothing you probably haven't read before.

It might be how I'm feeling but this was the first Dan Slott Spider-man comic that I didn't totally enjoy. The reason why? At the end of the last issue everything was set up for a battle between The Avengers and Spidey. It could have been an epic, big-arsed fight but ended up being speedily resolved in just two pages by Cap hitting Spidey in the face with his shield. Talk about the opposite of decompressed! Doc Ock now realises that there's some residual of Peter's consciousness remaining and there's a great cliff-hanger. Ramos, as always, excels. (Probably, this is an excellent issue - I'm just sorry that the opening fight was so... lame!)

WONDER WOMAN #19 = ★★★✩✩

How much longer is this storyline go to go on for? Something else happen, please!

✩✩✩✩✩ = Awful.
★✩✩✩✩ = Poor.
★★✩✩✩ = Average.
★★★✩✩ = Good.
★★★★✩ = Very good.
★★★★★ = Excellent.

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