Thursday, 4 April 2013 in , ,

Thursday's Comics: 4th April 2013

All-new X-men 10 = ★★★✩✩

Bendis. Issue 10 of the old/new X-men is a typical Bendis comic. Yes, there's a couple of pages of action: a mutant bank job. Yes, there's multiple narratives that tie together. Yes, there's a great deal of standing around talking. And there's a lot of standing around talking. And a lot of word balloons. Stuart Immonen makes the issue look amazing, though.

The Hypernaturals 10 = ★★★★★

Thinkwell realises he's being manipulated by someone/thing that's re-written his memories. In this issue we get a good look at the Quantinuum AI mainframe and find out about Side Space and the possible existence of sentient life there. Every issue of The Hypernaturals has been excellent - and this is no exception. It's all gearing up to the conclusion (of the first arc: I'm hoping they'll be more Hypernaturals). What's so great about this title is the detail of the world-building Abnett and Lanning have gone into. Really is an enjoyable comic.

Age of Ultron 4 = ★★★★✩

Two Avengers are killed, the location of Ultron is revealed (sort of) and the heroes head for The Savage Land to carry out Nick Fury's end of the world plan. The narrative has picked up and stuff actually happens in this issue (though I'd love someone to do a sixties or seventies version of AU over one or two issues). Bryan Hitch's artwork is less consistent here: he does great cityscapes but in some panels the characters look a little rough. Now Bendis is mentioning the future I'm wondering if we're going to see some sort of Marvel Universe reboot).

 Action Comics 19 = ★★★✩✩

After the publicity DC's given to Andy Diggle's run on Action Comics (how embarrassing then for DC to have him walk out even before the first is published) it needed to be good... well, at least as good as Grant Morrison's. First thing: does Superman's costume now magically appear? He doesn't just wear it under his Clark Kent clothes? Second: what's infrasonic? Why does it hurt Superman so much? Third: if Lex Luthor's such a genius then why does he need a psychiatrist? The actual story - besides all the fighting with giant mechanical war machines - is pretty standard: Luthor infects Superman with some form of virus that begins to alter his DNA. Tony Daniel seems to like drawing (virtually) whole-page panels.

The Superior Spider-man 7 = ★★★★✩

Really good issue - AGAIN! Ock-Spidey goes up against Cardiac and Peter Parker manages to begin to communicate. Ramos is getting quite cartoony again with his artwork (take a look at how The Avengers are drawn at the end of the issue). Next issue looks like it's going to be pretty awesome: Spidey Vs. The Avengers.

Animal Man 19 = ★★★★✩

After the interminably Rotworld arc, this is a treat of an issue. The sequence where Buddy Baker goes back into the Red is excellent and the issue ends terrifically. I think Steve Pugh's artwork is absolutely great. His characters are drawn really well and convey a real sense of grief. I'm hoping Animal Man will carry on like this (though we need some traditional villains in there).

Green Lantern 19 = ★★★★✩

Another title that is qualitatively better than it's been for many issues is Green Lantern. While Hal is still about to kill himself so he can become a black lantern, the issue focuses on Sinestro and his relationship with his home world of Korugar. The First Lantern turns up to fight Sinestro and there's a world-shattering ending (literally). Hopefully the (next) final issue of John's run on GL will be as good.

Swamp Thing 19 = ★★★★★

Loved this. Now the Rotworld arc is over and there's a new creative team - Charles Soule and Kano - there's a chance for Swamp Thing to tell some great stories. This issue sees Alec Holland carrying out his role as avatar of the Green and beginning to realise his inhumanity. He heads to Metropolis and encounters The Scarecrow who hits Swamp Thing with one of his chemicals. Holland's fears - which are played out among the buildings of Metropolis - are not being able to control his powers and the Green going wild. It's the return of Swamp Thing to the DCU that I like the most - particularly when you see that Superman turns up at the end. Soule is someone I've not read before (he seems fairly new to comics) but I'm certainly looking forward to seeing where he takes this title. Kano is great - as always.

✩✩✩✩✩ = Awful.
★✩✩✩✩ = Poor.
★★✩✩✩ = Average.
★★★✩✩ = Good.
★★★★✩ = Very good.
★★★★★ = Excellent.

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