Secret Avengers - Volume 3: The Rise of the Descendants = ★★★★✩
Other writers would have taken the Singularity and the "life" of the robots far too seriously - but Remender uses them to tell a great story not to carry out any metaphysical posturing.
There's a lot to enjoy about this volume - all three in fact: Remender's odd-ball humour and comic use of minor characters, how he writes dialogue between characters (particularly the banter between Captain Britain and Hawkeye) plus Matteo Scalera's art. If I have any reservations it's that the first chapter (issue 33) is drawn by Andy Kuhn and a little too blocky and cartoonish in comparison with Scalera (though I like Kuhn's layouts better and do like his art a lot).
✩✩✩✩✩ = Awful.
★✩✩✩✩ = Poor.
★★✩✩✩ = Average.
★★★✩✩ = Good.
★★★★✩ = Very good.
★★★★★ = Excellent.
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